Sunday, May 20, 2012
Milan earthquake (20 May 2012 4:05am)
My sleep has been sporadic. Heavy dozing before midnight then up at 3 to read and crash 5-9. While reading David Copperfield at 4:05 am, I heard a sound like creaking windows in a wind, but no wind. Then came a hard shove sideways of the bed that had me thinking someone was in the room, but nothing there. It was a magnitude 6 earthquake as reported in the popular press and by the USGS. My first EQ!! Every seismologist should go through one. Now I have. For the record, the strong motion was horizontal and (from orientation of my bed) first strong motion was along a 200 degree azimuth. There was no discernible vertical motion. My coordinates: 45°25'17.20" N 9°15'10.15" E (map)