Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Public 3D Seismic Interpretation Workshop

I will be teaching this a 3D seismic interpretation workshop in Fayetteville based on the (free) OpendTect software that runs native on windows, mac, or linux.  We will be using Geoscience Department PC computers, but you can also run it on a laptop! Hope you can join us.  On Monday, I will also be chairing a special session on the Mississippian.  

Register for 3D workshop here.

Interpretation of 3D Seismic Data with Open Source (free) Software. 
Sunday, 16 March, 2014. US$100. Max: 25
Christopher Liner, University of Arkansas.
This one-day short course — designed for those with a general understanding of 3D seismic data — provides an introduction to the free OpendTect seismic interpretation system. The principle objectives for participants are to understand the overall system and support documents, data navigation, display, fundamentals of horizon tracking, and geobody extraction. Each participant is encouraged to bring a USB stick (8GB or larger) to take project results home for further self-study.

We will be learning opendtect using this data set.